While every woman is at least somewhat aware of the responsibilities they have to their breasts, not just in terms of housing them comfortably, making them look good, wishing they were bigger/smaller or ensuring their regularity, what most do not know are the simply things that can be done through everyday life in order to take care of what many men will consider your two greatest assets.

The Biology

One of the first and most important things to remember about breasts is that they do not contain muscles. This means that there is no quick gym fix or simple workout regime you can use to increase your bust size, or save your bust from any effects resulting from gravity’s will. However, your breasts are held in place by a layer of skin, which, like all parts of skin on the body, can be treated and firmed with right diet, products and forms of exercise. Further, a tighter bust will make it easier to discern any irregularities, making the early detection of any lumps or unusual things a greater possibility.

Getting To Grips With Your Breasts

It is important to note that many things can affect not only the way your bust area feels, but also its size. While pregnancy is an obvious example, everything from your menstrual cycle to your hydration level to natural changes as you get older, can make a difference. This makes it more paramount for you to be very familiar with your own breasts, as there is no “standard”. As a result, detection of any abnormality is generally up to the individual, the person who knows her breasts best, and regular self-examination. Get to know how your breasts look and feel at different times of the month and you are one big step to taking care of them.

If you feel any unusual lumps or anything that seems out of the ordinary, don’t be shy about consulting your doctor. Most lumps or abnormalities are benign, but it never hurts to be sure. Perhaps knowing that one in eight women suffer from breast cancer will urge you to do your breast self-exams and go for that check-up. In fact, women as young as 40 are encouraged to go for routine mammograms once every 2 years, more often if they have a family history of breast cancer.

Keep Your Breasts Healthy

The simplest way to keep a firm, nice bust-line really involves general health principles. Regular exercise, low-fat and low-sugar diets and eating organic, where you can, will be of great benefit. Eating foods that are high in plant oestrogen, like soy, lentils and whole grains, have been linked to breast cancer prevention, as has, not surprisingly, not smoking. Keep as much of a lid on the alcohol and caffeine as you can and, ensure your bras are generally comfortable and not too tight fitting. As far as possible, wear your bra less than 12 hours a day. Studies have shown that there is a higher incidence of breast cancer among women who wear a bra 24 hours a day, and a lower incidence among those that don’t wear a bra at all.

What More Can You Do?

Surprisingly, your posture has a role to play. Make sure you sit up straight at all times, ensuring that your breasts are held as high on your chest as possible. More directly, there are numerous products on the market that work to tone and smooth the skin area around your bust. Before applying, gentle exfoliation will make your skin more receptive to the treatment. Remember, though, no cream is a miracle solution.